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Famille du Chevalier Goybet

Goybet - Obama - Mc Cain partagent la même ligne royale

 Families  Goybet, Obama and  McCain

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 McCain and Obama share royal lineage - Telegraph




McCain and Obama share royal lineage : Source Telegraph

By Auslan Cramb, Scottish Correspondent


Last Updated: 2:23am GMT 14/01/2008


John McCain, the Republican presidential contender, and Barack Obama, his Democrat rival, are both descended from the same Scottish king, it has been claimed.

According to research by an American genealogist, they share a common bloodline that can be traced to William I of Scotland, or William the Lion.

It was disclosed last year that Mr Obama was a descendant of the monarch who ruled Scotland from 1165 to 1214, and his background and upbringing spans the globe. He was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father, later living in Indonesia.

A separate study into Mr McCain's ancestry has now found that the 71-year-old Arizona senator has the same royal lineage.

Senator McCain was the surprising Republican victor in the New Hampshire primary last week. The former navy pilot and Vietnam veteran described his Scottish credentials in his autobiography, Faith of My Fathers.

He wrote that "the McCains, bred to fight as Highland Scots of the Clan McDonald, arrived in America shortly after it gained independence".

Gary Boyd Roberts, a senior research scholar at the New England Historic Genealogical Society, claims that both Mr McCain and Mr Obama can trace their ancestry to Isabel, an illegitimate daughter of William the Lion.

Mr McCain's family was traced back to his four-times great-grandparents, Hugh and Agnes McCain, who emigrated to Caswell County, North Carolina, in 1778.

Mr Obama's ancestor, Edward FitzRandolph, emigrated to America more than 100 years earlier.



My familly descend by Jeanne D'artois from Louis the VIII but also from Henri the Third and also  from the father of william the first of Scotland ( seventh generation) who is called  Henri the first of Scotland ,  son of the king David the first of scotland . We can tell that McCain , Obama and Goybet familly share the same royal lineage . The world is very little isn't it ?   


Jeanne D'ARTOIS est une nièce à la 6e génération de Guillaume Ier Le Lion, roi d'Ecosse.

En effet, Henri Ier D'ECOSSE, comte de Huntington Ada DE VARENNES sont en même temps les parents de Guillaume Ier Le Lion, roi d'Ecosse et des ancêtres à la 7e génération de Jeanne D'ARTOIS . (Source Arnaud Aurejac sur geneanet )


Henri Goybet

 Ascendants de  l'amiral Pierre GOYBET Grand père d'Henri - Arbre généalogique Georges LEPERCQ - GeneaNet

 Ascendants de Jeanne D'ARTOIS - Arbre généalogique Arnaud AUREJAC - GeneaNet








Henri III PLANTAGENÊT 1207-1272
&1236 Éléonore de PROVENCE †1291






Béatrix d'ANGLETERRE 1242-1277






Blanche de BRETAGNE






Jeanne d'ARTOIS †1343/






Blanche de FOIX












Aymon de GRAILLY






Amédée de GRAILLY †1491/






Amédée de GRAILLY †1554/






Pernette d'ÉCHALLON






André de GRUEL 1523/






François de GRUEL 1573






Jean de GRUEL /1613-1676/






Claudine de GRUEL 1662/-/1726






Marguerite de BAVOZ






Jeanne BELLY 1727-1797






Pierre GOYBET 1750-1831






Alexis GOYBET 1786-1854






Jules GOYBET 1823-1912














Mariano GOYBET 1861-1943



Henri GOYBET 1868-1958









Pierre GOYBET 1887-1963



Henriette" Riquette" GOYBET 1899-1986









                                      ADRIEN  GOYBET


