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Famille du Chevalier Goybet

Unforgettable General Goybet's Red Hand Division

I kneel down to pay tribute to George Floyd and in solidarity with the African-American community  

Signed  Henry Goybet , author of this site, great grand son of General     Mariano_Goybet   commander of the    157 th  Infantry Division (France)   of the French army  who participated in the  First World War . This division was known when two regiments of African Americans (( 371 th  US Infantry Regiment  and the   372 th  (including units of the National Guard 2 )) the "integrated it as the  157 th  Red Hand Division (Red Hand Division)  .This division, alongside the  IV th Army , in the Champagne offensive  , despite heavy losses, broke the German front  in front of  Monthois during the Combats du  at The three regiments are decorated with the  war cross as  well as many individual soldiers. the African-American   Freddie Stowers  will receive for his bravery the   Medal of Honor , the highest distinction in the  United States .




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 Général Mariano Goybet  Grand officier de la légion d'honneur


  Valor awards for Mariano F. J. Goybet




African-American history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


American African Soldiers Part Two 1917-1954


Emmett J. Scott. The American Negro in World War I. Table of Contents



 Freddie Stowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



General Order No. 245 

“The red hand division during nine days of violent fight was always an exceptional model for the victorious advance of the fourth army. 
Dear Friends of America you will be back home to the other side of the ocean, don’ t forget ‘’ The Red Hand Division. ‘’ .”

“Our friendship has been cemented in the blood of the brave and such a link will be never destroyed Remember your General who is proud to have commanded you and be sure of his endless recognition. .” 

General Goybet commanding the 157th Division


371st Infantry Regiment 93rd Division (Colored)



 Etats-Unis - Médaille 371° regiment 14-18



 Perry Lester Miles


Brigadier General United State Army

Colonel in command of the 371st Regiment

Under orders of the General Goybet’’s  157th Red Hand Division


After the war with the regiment ‘soldiers  went on to be brothers in arms with General Goybet 



October 15, 1873-October 17, 1961.

The 371st Infantry was organized August 31, 1917, at Camp Jackson, South Carolina, in compliance with War Department General Order No. 109, of August 16, 1917, as the First Provisional Infantry Regiment  (colored).

Colonel Perry L. Miles assumed command of the regiment September 1, 1917. All the officers of the 371st regiment were white. On September 5, 1917, fourteen colored men from Pensacola, Florida, were received as the first recruits for the  Regiment. The time of arrival of recruits for the regiment was delayed by the War Department for about a month, because of the shortage of labor in moving the 1917 cotton crop.

It was not until early in October that the first considerable body of recruits was received. By November 20, 1917, however, 3,380 men had been received by the regiment. These men were not all received at once, but in varying sized draft increments at different times. Of this number, 1,680 men were transferred to labor organizations and 500 to a combat organization at CampUpton.

Under a staff of French officer instructors and interpreters the 371st Infantry was reorganized on the French plan, soon after its arrival in France (April 23, 1918), with 194 men to the company and three machine gun companies to the regiment instead of one as on the American plan. All the American equipment was turned in, and the men were given the French rifles, bayonets, helmets, packs, and other equipment of the French soldier. Only the American khaki uniform remained. After a few weeks' instruction in this new equipment and in French tactics, the regiment went into the trenches as part of the 157th French Division under General Goybet.

It remained in line for over three months, holding first the Avocourt and later the Verrières. subsectors (northwest of Verdun). The regiment, with its division, was then taken out of line and thrown into the great September offensive in the Champagne. It took Cote 188, Bussy Ferme, Ardeuil, Montfauxelles, and Trieres Ferme near Monthois, and captured a number of prisoners, 47 machine guns, 8 trench engines, 3 field pieces (77s), a munition depot, a number of railroad cars, and enormous quantities of lumber, hay, and other supplies. It shot down three German airplanes by rifle and machine-gun fire during the advance.

During the fighting between September 28 and October 6, 1918, its losses---which were mostly in the first three days---were 1,065 out of 2,384 actually engaged. The regiment was the apex of the attacking salient in this great battle. The percentage of both dead and wounded among the officers was rather greater than among the enlisted men. Realizing their great responsibilities, the wounded officers continued to lead their men until they dropped from exhaustion and lack of blood. The men were devoted to their, leaders and as a result stood up against a most grueling fire, bringing the regiment its well deserved fame.

For its action in the Champagne, the 371st was very highly commended by the French high command and awarded the Army citation. Vice Admiral Moreau, on behalf of the French Government, decorated the regimental colors on January 27, 1919, in Brest. In addition to this regimental citation, 146 individual citations were awarded members of the 371st regiment.


*Arlington National cemetery website


The correspondence of General Perry  Miles,  who was  colonel,  commanding the 371st regiment  for my great Grandfather,  talking about the flag entrusted to his regiment and its gallant chief General Mariano Goybet . Letter of 13 November 1933 which allows us to see what this flag became after the war.

" ' Of course we thought of you and talked to you many times during our Annual Dinner . We had our program signed by all those present . Here it is. " '


Annuel Program Dinner signed 371st regiment soldiers

" ' It is decorated with reproduction of your flag division that you have so graciously offered. They were very proud of the red hand and remain proud of their service in the 157th French Division and their leader distinguished ' Our general. "

" ' This year some of our officers have traveled over 700 miles to reach Washington and attend our meeting. "
"With the best congratulations and appreciation for your friendship and how you have commanded us . " '

"I am your friend and admirer . "

  Signed Perry Miles .



I scan the letter, the program and the reproduction of the flag seals and signatures of the fighters and sends Lindsay Luray Associate Producer with a copy of the family book .

It is clear that a key letter to solve the mystery of belonging and becoming the Pennant . Over what symbol with the signatures of soldiers on the program.                 Henri Goybet






 WWI Symposium Huge Succes !








Some of the members of our living history group.  I am on the left of the group and Richard Ford, who is also the unit commander, is on the right.  The photo was taken last year at the Ceasar Krauss Memorial WW1 Site in Newville, PA.         Signed jim Ball  07 /01/ 2007






About Mariano Goybet





Happy New Year, Thanks you very much for the image . It along with the other information you had mentionned are all of use  to us in our resarch . WIth your permission, I would like  to give  copies  to Richard and the other members of our group . One of the things we are looking for is a photograph of your great –grand father, we have never seen any image which has been positively identified as him. Do you  a photo of him ?



You had asked about how Richard and I  came  to be interessed in the  Red Hand Division .Rick’s great uncle was in Co. A 372nd  Infantry . I have always been interessed in our local (DC, Maryland , Virginia ) National Guard , and have been researching them for over 20 years . I gave Rick his first information on the  372 Nd  in 1989, when he was  forming  a WW1 Living History group in honor of his  ancestor. He has benn researching  the regiment and division ever since . When he decided to write the book  he asked me to  team up, with him for the project .


As far as any museum wich  remembers the 372ND  and the Red Hand , I am disappointed to say that there is none . Changing that situation is one of our goals . We have made contact with a number of descendants of Red Hand men and  will begin efforts toward having a monument placed in their honor . As our recreated unit and our descendant  contact list grows  we will be better able  to get  the message  out there  and help get the Red  Hand the recognition they earned . The book will go along way toward that end .



I am sorry for not replying sooner end of senester then the holidays have kept busy . I hope you had a good  Christmas . When will you be in the US  ?

Richard and I would like to meet you if possible . Please let me know .


Thanks again ., I hope to hear from  you soon

Warmest Regards 



 372nd Infantry capsule history, REVISED



                                        CAPTAIN ANNE CLARKSON  AND THE RED HAND FLAG



 Red Hand Flag in the familly Book

During World War I, General Goybet commanded the French 157th Red Hand Division which consisted of the French 333rd infantry regiment and the American 371st and 372 regiments. The two African-American regiments fought bravely and were awarded the Croix de Guerre, and several men received both the French Legion of Honor and the American Distinguished Service Cross. Freddie Stowers of the 371st was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. The 372nd was one of the oldest African-American units in the country dating back to the Civil War with a lineage including the Monumental City Guards and the First Separate Company. The General's flag has red/white/red stripes whereas the Division flag has blue/white/red stripes.




 Red Hand Flag movie and links








     Anne's Clarkson website 371st Red Hand Division the Long March Home


Red Hand flag's General Goybet 157th  Division




Letter from  Anne Clarkson,   sent to  Henri Goybet  Presenting her special symbolic gift carved in a pipe made from the bone of a dear,  about 371st  and 157th   Red Hand Division commanded by general Goybet







Hello my brother.


It’s a new year and a beautiful  one here in the USA . We Hope to have a good four years with our new president  Mr.Obama and we are all keeping our fingers  crossed.


I wanted to let you know that you are a very important person in my life now and I do consider you a member of my extended family . So in honor of that I have made for you a special gift.



My family is much like your, we are very interested  in our family genealogy and we know that are several Native Americans in the family . My great Grandmother, on my mother’s side, who apparently I look like, was a Croatan from Coastal shores of the Carolina’s. My father’people have Cherokee blood in their family so is quite a bit of mixing there . (I also have some French blood , the family Lenare or Lenair is mixing in there somewhere as well.) But to get back to the gift <g>, I have enclosed a pipe made from the bone of a dear and found on my land. The feather is from a Native bird  the American Great Bronze Turkey, a VERY LARGE  bird that is incredibly beautiful; this is a very tiny feather from that bird. There is a bit of my horse’s hair, the tip of a wild Bob cat’s tail, the shell from the pacific Ocean and last but not the least an Emerald that I mined myself from the blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I worked on this pipe for many days trying to get it just right but it is my first effort so it is far from perfect. I That hope you will accept it as a gesture of family   and friendship.


I have carved the 371st and the 157th INF on the bone as well as your name and WWI,  that is because those are the things that brought us together. I also put my initials and 1/09 on it to commemorate the date.


Have a wonderful year brother and write soon, your sister,



Anne Clarkson



PS -  Please don’t smoke it   ;)


 Anne Clarkson's gift


Anne Clarkson Gift 1








Dear M.Goybet,


My cousin, Bennie Simmons served under your great-grandfather as a Platoon

Commander in CO B, 371st INF and was 100% disabled during the Champagne

offensive.   I have been researching the 371st since the early 1970s when

Bennie's widow gave me his unit history and other items.  Since then, I have

met descendants of other unit members and try to spread the word on the 371st

and their heroic service with the famed 157th DIV.


I have attached a photo that I think you would appreciate.


I hope that we can correspond and provide each other with additional

Information  on the 157th DIV.





Russell Wolfe


                                         157 Th Division ceremony 

157th Division ceremony





